Federal regulation re-evaluation for mancozeb and malathion
The EPA is reevaluating the uses of mancozeb and malathion this time, and their proposed action is to eliminate mancozeb from grapes. To counterbalance this initiative, the EPA is now offering a comment period for the public. The due date for mancozeb is 10/16 (they extended the deadline), but please act sooner than later.
Please note that the EPA is also considering extending Captan’s REI to 5 days for grapes, which will affect how we can use Captan as an alternative to mancozeb. Please provide your feedback on the utility of these materials for local and national grape growers.
Go to this website:
The top icon on the left is a link to “Submit a Public Comment,” or you can use the link below.
What they are looking for in the public comments are
- Quick background from you and the industry you are in
- The use scenarios for the product
- The importance of the product for your operation(s)
- Do we have any alternatives? Is it practical?
- Cost-benefit analysis (or simple cost comparison to alternatives)
- What would happen if you lost the product?
Please do your best to be informative and educational.
These are examples for comments:
Mancozeb survey
In order for me to create case against the proposed action on mancozeb, I need your help. Please spend 5 min to fill in the survey below. This will help me create a letter with a better story from our industry to the EPA.
Slides’ from the last VCE Virtual Viticulture Meeting
Thank you to those who made it to the meeting. Here’s my slide set. As I noted in the meeting, for specific recommendations on late-season rots, please take a look at the slides from the last meeting (the linked post also contains a list of short PHI fungicides that you may find useful.)