Links to 2022 Pest Management Guides…

The new VCE publication page has been down for a while and I am not sure when they will be available. The VCE reactivated the old site, but I had… Read more

Slides from NC Winegrower’s Association meeting (29 January 2022)

Sorry for taking a while. Please find the link at the end of this post to download a copy of my presentation from the NC Winegrower’s Association meeting, which was… Read more

One last post for the 2021 season!

I thought the last post was the final one for this year, but there is another and a very good one! Please find the final report from the Sentinel Vineyard… Read more

Seasons greetings!

I hope you and your family have a good holiday season and a Happy (and safe) New Year! Thanks again for your support of our programs. Here are some recent… Read more

Looking for WPS training?

If you are looking for someone to train your vineyard workers to be in compliance with the Worker Protection Standard, you may find the information below useful. If you have… Read more
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