We have a vineyard meeting tomorrow at Glenn Manor

We are having nice sunny days! Some of shoots in our Chardonnay elongated to 10-inch or so (start to passing E-L 12 stage). And Cabernet sauvignon is catching up with… Read more

Nice weekend weather!

It has been a very sunny weekend in 70’s. I can take this anytime. Last night, RH was 4-50% and temperature was around 64F. I think it was little too… Read more

No rain, so far…

At Winchester, we did not experience the forecasted rain event yesterday (5/08/09). It was a light shower in this morning with trace amount of precipitation. One thing I noticed was… Read more

Finally, the sun is out!!

As you probably noticed, the sun is out! And grape vines are moving fast. Our Chardonnay and Cabernet sauvignon has moved quite a bit as well. About 7-90% are 5-7… Read more

At Winchester, yesterday’s (5/6/09) rain started from 5pm (60.8F) and ended at 6:40pm (59.0F); however, the RH was >90% until this morning (8:40am). A total amount of precipitation was 0.05… Read more

Growth stage as of 5/06/09

Plenty of water affected growth too. About 10% of Chardonnay were 5-7 inches (E-L 12). Growth of Cabernet sauvignon was not as dramatic as that of Chardonnay. As with yesterday,… Read more

I think I saw the sun today…

Yesterday’s (5/5/09) precipitation at Winchester was 0.27 inches starting from 4:20pm (55.4F) and ended at 9:20pm (53.6F); however, the relative humidity was almost 100% until midnight. Thus, >8 hr of… Read more

Much needed break from rain

We experienced a whole day of rain yesterday (5/4/09). Average temperature was 52F, and amount of precipitation was 0.76 inches. The total length of rain event was over 30 hours,… Read more

Rain, rain, rain…

The ongoing rain event since yesterday morning (5/3/09, 8 am) has been relatively cold. Starting temperature was about 52F, at mid-night it was 49F, and it has been lower 50’s… Read more

Update on growth stage: Chardonnay was about 70-90% 3-inch growth; Cabernet sauvignon was still about 50% 1-2 inch growth with a variation among vines. Still raining as of 6:45pm… Read more
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