A quick reminder for late-season disease management materials

In preparation for hurricane Ida, here is some information that you may find useful (This is a repeat of the previous post, but I received some emails asking for them.)… Read more

List of short PHI fungicides for late-season diseases and today’s presentation slides

Thank you again for participating in our meeting. Please find two materials from today’s meeting. 1) List of short PHI fungicides for late-season diseases (will open a pdf file) 2) Today’s presentation… Read more

Slides from today’s presentation, meetings, and newsletters (email subscription)

Presentation slides Thank you to those of you who were able to make it to the meeting today. Here are slides from today’s presentation (open PDF).  Up-coming meetings Eastern Section… Read more

Recent grape disease risk events

It looks like we all received much-needed rains, which is good for vine growth. However, since most of our vines are still within the critical period for cluster infection by… Read more

2021 Pest Management Guides for grapes (UPDATED 3 Nov. 2021)

Updated: Links below are for the 2021 edition of Pest Management Guides. The first one is for home gardens, and the second is for commercial productions. I asked them to… Read more

2021 Pest Management Guides

Here are links to the 2021 edition of Pest Management Guides. Unlike the past years, all the crops are combined together. (i.e., I cannot separate the grape section.) Once you… Read more

Handout from yesterday’s VVA meeting

It was very nice to see you all at the meeting. Here’s the content of my handout. Seasonal grape disease updates For VVA Summer Technical Meeting at Stone Tower Winery… Read more

At bloom disease management tips

Many people in northern VA are about to see blooms in a few weeks, and I am sure the rest of the regions are about to see bloom very soon. … Read more

Early season fungicide application reminders

It has been another rainy weekend (1.5 inches so far and still counting), and looks like next weekend will be wet again… Hopefully, this year won’t as wet as the… Read more

2019 version of a fungicide application template

Here’s a 2019 version of fungicide application template. Please read the footnote for downloading onto your computer or copy to your Google Drive to use it. This template is designed to… Read more
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