Growth stage as of 5/06/09

Plenty of water affected growth too. About 10% of Chardonnay were 5-7 inches (E-L 12). Growth of Cabernet sauvignon was not as dramatic as that of Chardonnay. As with yesterday,… Read more

Much needed break from rain

We experienced a whole day of rain yesterday (5/4/09). Average temperature was 52F, and amount of precipitation was 0.76 inches. The total length of rain event was over 30 hours,… Read more

Update on growth stage: Chardonnay was about 70-90% 3-inch growth; Cabernet sauvignon was still about 50% 1-2 inch growth with a variation among vines. Still raining as of 6:45pm… Read more

Warm rainy day

At Winchester, we had rain from 11:50am to 2:20pm (0.12 in) with starting and ending temperature of 62.3 and 67.8F, respectively. Relative humidity dropped soon after the rain and still… Read more

It’s moving fast!

As of noon yesterday (4/28/09), our Chardonnay was 100% bud break with more than 50% of them with lower two leaves unfolded. Some were as advanced as the picture. Cabernet… Read more

Make it three days in a row!

Wow, we had another above 90F day here in Winchester. As of noon today, Chardonnay was 100% bud break with about 50% of them had fully expanded lower leaves. Cabernet… Read more

Two days in 90’s in April!

As of noon today, Chardonnay was about 90-100% bud break; some are with fully expanded basal leaves. Cabernet sauvignon was about 15-20% bud break. I won’t be surprised to see… Read more

As you would expect…

We had a beautiful Saturday here in Winchester. Temperature high was above 90F and as you would expect, vines are pushing their buds. As of noon, Chardonnay was about 10-15%… Read more

Phomopsis note updated

I noticed several errors and typos, so, I updated “Notes on Phomopsis“.(Link has been changed, please use this one: 6/2/09) In Winchester, Chardonnay is almost ready to bud break, and… Read more

19 April 2009: bud swell

We ended up having 70’s pretty much a whole day, and as you guessed, buds are swelling even more. And I found one bud actually broke.This is only one out… Read more
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