Upcoming vineyard meetings (with a link for registration)

Vineyard workshops from Virginia Tech/VCE
Link for registration:

Pruning workshop

Disease management and grapeIPM.org workshops

  • February 27 from 10 AM to 3 PM: Pruning Workshop, Stone Tower Winery 19925 Hogback Mountain Rd, Leesburg, VA 20175. Specialists with Virginia Tech’s AHS Jr. AREC and local Virginia Cooperative Extension agents will conduct a grapevine pruning workshop.  This workshop will involve classroom style presentations followed by guided practice in the vineyard. We will provide a review of the fundamentals of dormant pruning. Moving to the vineyard we will then focus on pruning strategies for vines. 
  • March 29 from 2 PM to 4 PM: Grape Disease Management Workshop, Loudoun Co. Extension office (750 Miller Dr SE suite f-3, Leesburg, VA 20175) – with online (Zoom) option: The aim for this workshop is to help you prepare with disease management strategies for the season. We will go through the season together, identifying key diseases and discussing how to manage them. We will also discuss where to find resources to help you prepare after the workshop.
  • March 30 from 2 PM to 4 PM: Grape Disease Management Workshop, Grape disease ID (with Spanish translation), Loudoun Co. Extension office (750 Miller Dr SE suite f-3, Leesburg, VA 20175) – with online (Zoom) option: In this workshop, we will focus on disease identification by studying pictures of symptomatic grape vines. The session will be translated in Spanish to train vineyard workers to aid their identification skills.
  • March 31: GrapeIPM.org training and Q and A, online from 1 PM to 3 PM: GrapeIPM.org is an online tool to help you organize your pesticide sprays. You can use it to keep up with inventory, plan your spray, share your spray plan with co-workers, and create reports for the WPS and EPA. In this workshop, we will go through the basic functions of the system and answer any questions you may have. 
  • April 7: GrapeIPM.org training and Q and A, online from 1 PM to 3 PM: GrapeIPM.org is an online tool to help you organize your pesticide sprays. You can use it to keep up with inventory, plan your spray, share your spray plan with co-workers, and create reports for the WPS and EPA. In this workshop, we will go through the basic functions of the system and answer any questions you may have.

Pennsylvania Grape And Wine Industry Conference – March 1-2, 2023, State College, PA


Eastern Wine Conference and Exposition – March 14-16, 2023, Lancaster PA  https://easternwineryexposition.com/

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