2022 season recap report from the Sentinel Vineyard Project and meeting announcements

As you may know, the Sentinel Vineyard Project is our effort to regularly gather information from a group of growers during the season. The information is then sorted and summarized… Read more

Items from today’s meeting

Thank you for joining our meeting today. Here are some items from today’s meeting. Next meeting: It will be on July 14th from 1 PM. Tremain will send an announcement… Read more

Slides from the 2022 VVA summer meeting

It was very nice to see you at the VVA. Here are my slides from yesterday. As I mentioned yesterday, I am conducting a survey to seek your feedback and… Read more

Slides from NC Winegrower’s Association meeting (29 January 2022)

Sorry for taking a while. Please find the link at the end of this post to download a copy of my presentation from the NC Winegrower’s Association meeting, which was… Read more

My slides from today’s beginner’s workshop

Thanks for participating in the meeting today. We had very good discussions. I wish you all the best! Below are my presentation slides about the basics of wine grape disease… Read more

Two upcoming meetings and Sentinel Vineyard Report #2

I think many readers of this blog subscribe to Tony’s viticulture note, but just in case, here is some information that you may be interested in. The second Sentinel Vineyards… Read more

My handout from today’s VVA summer technical meeting.

Thanks again to those of you who made it to the meeting. It was nice to have a face-to-face meeting after the whole thing we are in together. Here’s my… Read more

Slides from today’s presentation, meetings, and newsletters (email subscription)

Presentation slides Thank you to those of you who were able to make it to the meeting today. Here are slides from today’s presentation (open PDF).  Up-coming meetings Eastern Section… Read more

Slides from today’s virtual meeting and RSS feed

 Thank you to those of you who were able to join us today. Here are some of the items we discussed. Slides from today’s presentation (will open a pdf file… Read more

VCE Vineyard meetings and update on the commercial grape PMG

Upcoming virtual vineyard meetings The viticulture group at the AHS Jr. AREC will be hosting a series of four monthly, on-line viticulture meetings starting Thursday, 22 April 2021. The content… Read more
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